
There is a new transmission in town!!

It’s the faboulous „Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten“!
If you’re not coming from Germany you probably don’t know the famous German children TV show „Die Sendung mit der Maus“ which is on air since the 1970’s.
This popular transmission is starring the mouse, the duck and the elephant which is now the star of his own TV- Show.
The „Transmission with the Elephant“ is addressed to much younger children and features many nice short animation spots realized by the „Trickstudio Lutterbeck“
Very proudly I’d like to mention that the unbelievable Felix Herzog and me were working together creating the design of the blue elephant’s new friend: The pink bunny!

If you’d like to watch at a little sneak preview follow the pink rabbit-link

And if you’d like to read more about the transmission click here.

Don’t forget to switch on your TV on Monday,10th to Friday,15th Septembre
at 18.15 on KI.KA

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